

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

John and Bea Garrett's Home

Το σπίτι που γεννήθηκα κι ας το πατούν οι ξένοι
στοιχειό είναι και με προσκαλεί· ψυχή, και με προσμένει.
-Κωστής Παλαμάς (1918)

The house I was born in, even if strangers step in it,
is a ghost calling me; a soul that awaits me.
-Kostis Palamas (1918)

There is a certain sense of awe an unoccupied house can inspire. Especially when this house once belonged to people you knew and loved dearly. As Palamas lyrically laments, the specters of those physically "gone" from it, are still there, making the house lose its materiality and become a home, or even a person.

The Garrett family home, built on the turn of the 20th century, opened its closed doors allowing me to capture in film the beauty of time's passing, its decadence and healing power. Every room is a family story inscribed on wallpaper, furniture and decorative miniatures. War, emigration, childhood memories, carefree summer holidays in the Irish countryside, weddings, anniversaries, first Communions, postcards from the relatives in the US, absences, God's omnipresence. Striking is the sense of an unwavering religious faith in every corner, from bedroom to kitchen. 

As I share its intimate soul with you, the need to celebrate a life lived becomes urgent, even after life.


PS: Special thanks to the Garrett family for allowing BabogMoro to photograph their home.  

Thessaloniki radio station among the frequencies on the vintage Irish radio